Search Guide for Find a Personal Historian

People use our Find a Personal Historian search for many reasons.

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How can we help YOU?

Find a specific member by business or individual name

Using the boxes at the top of the search page, you may search by Last Name or Business Name. If you know the name, just type the first few letters and click "Start Search." The results will show all names that have the exact letters you enter in any part of the name.

Find members by location

You can find members by country, U.S. state, Canadian province, or Postal Code. You may enter the first 2 or more characters of the Postal Code to find APH members in a broad area. Please note that personal historians do not have to live near you to provide you with personal history services. Many of our members routinely travel to the client's location for the interview and/or delivery endeavors, but communicate via phone, email and postal services during the development stages of the project.

Find members by services offered

Indicate up to five services by entering a 1 in the priority box for the service that most interests you, a 2 in the priority box for another service, and so on, up to 5. When you click the "Start Search" button, the results are sequenced by how closely various personal historians match your choices, as shown in the first column titled "Match." The services that appear in bold in any personal historian's description are the services that match what you are looking for. Services not in bold show other services that specific personal historian also offers. You may click on any column header, such as "Location," and sort by that column.

Consider all the forms a personal history can take! Read the descriptions, keeping in mind that every personal history is a unique creation, tailored to fit individual situations and desires.


  1. This membership listing may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, copied, disseminated, entered into a database, used in connection with a mailing list, or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's individual, personal and confidential reference.
  2. Listing in this directory is not an endorsement by the Association of Personal Historians Inc. of the services provided by APH members. APH is not liable for the performance of any personal historian you choose to hire. All members of the Association of Personal Historians affirm that they will adhere to the APH Code of Ethics. Our members set their own fees and policies.

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